
Manual Therapy

A treatment designed to restore normal movement with our hands through either mobilization or manipulation. It is imperative that all manual therapy techniques are reinforced with muscle retraining exercises. We are instructors of manual therapy and continue to train therapists to improve their skills.

Dry Needling/IMS

A treatment designed to release muscle spasm which can affect the body's natural way of moving. It is similar to acupuncture but more focuses on the muscle. This treatment compliments manual therapy very well and can be really beneficial in repetitive strain injuries.

Registered Kinesiologist

A Kinesiologist can help design and implement an individualized exercise program tailored to your specific needs at the current state of your recovery. These programs can be designed for a 1 on 1 clinic setting, Telehealth setting, or for an independent program with infrequent follow ups. Completely customized to your unique injury and financial considerations.


Helps reduce inflammation by stimulation of the "piezoelectric effect". It is different than IMS in that it is used in the skin, not the muscle. It works very well in acute and chronic muscle and tendon strains.

Exercise Prescription

Nothing will teach you how to move better than exercise. We can help you move properly, but specific retraining exercises are necessary to reinforce normal movement.

Traction/Spinal Decompression

Traction can be a beneficial treatment for the spine in the presence of neurological signs. It can be used in the sub-acute or chronic phases of recovery and can reduce discogenic and stenotic neurological signs and symptoms.

Registered Massage Therapy

A Registered Massage Therapist can help assess relax and loosen tight muscles and other related acute and chronic muscle and tendon injuries through therapeutic massage. Massage Therapy often works well in conjunction with physiotherapy to create a holistic healing environment. These session can range anywhere from 30-60 minutes in duration and are covered by extended health benefits and with approved ICBC claims.